Currently, in addition to our whole-plasmid sequencing service, we will also offer all sequencing services in the future, including otherNGS (Next-Generation Sequencing) services, blood samples, and more. For details, please contact our local representative.

Certainly, you can. However, please include the following acknowledgment in the caption: "Service provided by BioCode Biotech Co., Ltd. using Nanopore technology, with custom analysis and annotations."

In addition to a comprehensive analysis report in FASTA format, you will also receive a supplementary file named with the extension ".dna", providing you with the most intuitive analysis results for the plasmid.

While we cannot pinpoint the exact reason for the failure, the most common reasons so far have been samples not being prepared at the required DNA concentration. The most frequent cause is incorrect DNA concentration. It's also possible that the sample contains a mixture of linear amplicon species or fragmented genomes, leading to sequencing failure.


Please register an account on our website first. After submitting your order on the ordering page, our representative will promptly contact you to arrange sample collection and expedite the testing process as quickly as possible.

You can view the current status of sample processing on the ordering page. You can cancel free of charge before sequencing begins. However, if the status is already "under testing," then the sequencing service cannot be canceled.

We accept all quantities of samples, regardless of whether they are multiples of 8.

Yes, absolutely! Feel free to contact us for any sequencing services you require.